our solutions

Medicalease Consent is our first innovative solution. A a proof-of-concept app has been developed and is being tested in focus groups. Feedback from healthcare professionals, charities and patients themselves have been extremely encouraging.

Currently the app provides gold-standard consenting for any procedure to all patients regardless of English proficiency. We are working on how to provide the same level of care to those with accessibility needs by working closely with people who have accessibility barriers. 

This is the first step to healthcare equity for all.

We are already starting work on our second innovation, Medicalease Consult. 

With this, patients will receive gold-standard medical reviews regardless of their barrier to healthcare.

Our most ambitious solution will ensure not only that language barriers and accessibility barriers are no longer barriers to equitable healthcare but also geographical barriers as well.

In doing so, we will have been successful in ensuring healthcare equity for all, once and for all.

If you are interested in knowing about our product updates and launches then please sign up - we respect your inbox! You will receive one update a quarter unless there is HUGE news to share.

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Welcome to the start of healthcare equity for all!

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