Our Founding Team

Jon King

Founder / CEO

Jon is a NHS doctor and NHS Clinical Entrepreneur and is currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London working on improving outpatient care in chronic liver disease. Proud father of two and husband to one, Jon founded Medicalease in 2022 inspired by the inequities witnessed throughout his medical career since 2011. 

Dex Yun

Ux/Senior Product Developer

Dex was introduced to Jon through a friend. Having worked for over seven years at start-ups and medium/large organisations Dex was immediately taken by the idea of being a founding member of a start-up with such an important mission statement. Dex will be ensure that our products always have our users' needs at the centre of them.

Julian Harley

Lead Software Engineer

Julian has been with Jon since the very beginning, believing in the vision and the goal. With a rich history as a technical lead at companies across the globe such as YouTube, Google and BMW Julian was the perfect person to lead on our software development. He also has the perfect amount of quirk to work closely with Jon as well!

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