/mEdIkl-[EEZ]/ n., v. Developing e-solutions to prevent language barriers from being healthcare barriers

The Start of Healthcare Equity For All

Who are we?

We are a medical technology start-up founded by Jonathan King, NHS doctor and NHS Clinical Entrepreneur.

Our mission is to prevent healthcare barriers from existing for those with language or accessibility barriers.

We will achieve this by developing effective, safe and convenient e-solutions thus ensuring Gold-standard healthcare equity for all.

Our Calling

"Foreign patients have worse healthcare outcomes than host populations"

Healthcare Inequity

In 2022, the World Health Organisation published a landmark paper confirming that many refugees and migrants face worse health outcomes when compared the host populations. The authors called for this to be seen as a global health priority.

The NHS spends over £60 million a year on interpreter services

Cost Of Interpreter Services

An independent study by InBox Translation Research found that the NHS has spent over £60M a year on translation and interpreter costs, with interpreter services making up almost 85% of this.

NHS Target Failures

"The NHS is failing to meet every single one of its key duties of care"

Use the NHS Tracker provided by The Telegraph to see how the NHS is missing each of its key duties of care to its patients including time taken to diagnose and treat cancer, ambulance response times and A&E waiting times.

Currently almost all of these are trending towards getting worse.

Our mission

We have made it our mission to harness to power of technology to solve these injustices.

Imagine a world where every patient, regardless of language proficiency or accessibility needs, receives the same standard of care.

At Medicalease we are making this vision a reality by developing groundbreaking solutions like Consentease and Consultease, designed to deliver gold standard healthcare to every patient.

We will not stop innovating until we have achieved healthcare equity for all.

"The solutions Jonathan and his team are developing are so simple, obvious and necessary.

We are excited to see everything his team will achieve and are proud to have been involved at the very start."

- Julie Harrington, CEO of Guts UK

If you are interested in knowing about our product updates and launches then please sign up - we respect your inbox! You will receive one update a quarter unless there is HUGE news to share.

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Welcome to the start of healthcare equity for all!

If you a person who has been a patient who has experienced healthcare inequity, we want to hear from you!

If you are a healthcare professional who is passionate about healthcare equity, want to hear from you!

If you have any kind of comment or question about us, we want to hear from you!

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